Archive /
Troubling the Signalz. Multimedia Installation and Performance. Open Space Artist-run Centre, Victoria BC. Canada.
Hybrid Highlights. Multimedia Performance and Installation with Noxious Sector Artist Collective: Ted Hiebert and Doug Jarvis. Museum of Art. Seoul Korea, Curated by Art Clay for “Digital Art Weeks 2014”.
Nightmare Inductions. Multimedia Performance and Installation with Noxious Sector Artist Collective: Ted Hiebert and Doug Jarvis. VIVO Media Arts Centre. Vancouver BC. Canada.
Nightmare Inductions. Multimedia Performance and Installation with Noxious Sector Artist Collective: Ted Hiebert and Doug Jarvis. Center on Contemporary Art. Seattle. WA. USA.
Remote Viewing. In “In the Shadow of the Millennium”, curated by Darren Doull, Judith & Norman Ali’s Art Gallery, Sarnia Canada. (With Noxious Sector Artist collective, Doug Jarvis and Ted Hiebert.
Billy Jack Roundhouse. Multimedia Performance with Ronnie Harris. Tribe INC. Saskatoon, SK. Canada.
Rain Songs and Northern Lights. Multimedia Performance with Leela Gilday. Dene Cultural Centre, Yellowknife NT. Canada.
Iron Tomahawks: the Movie!. Video Installation. Audain Gallery, Visual Arts Department, University of Victoria, Victoria BC. Canada.
Heritage Mythologies. Video Installation. “Beat Nation: Art, Hip Hop and Aboriginal Culture”, Kathleen Ritter and Tania Willard curators. Dalhousie Art Gallery and St. Mary’s University Art Gallery; Halifax, NS. Canada.

VIVO Media Arts Centre. Vancouver BC. Canada.

Saskatoon, SK.

Saskatoon, SK.

Center on Contemporary Art. Seattle. WA.

Center on Contemporary Art. Seattle. WA.

Center on Contemporary Art. Seattle. WA.

Center on Contemporary Art. Seattle. WA.

Center on Contemporary Art. Seattle. WA.

Center on Contemporary Art. Seattle. WA.

Center on Contemporary Art. Seattle. WA.

Center on Contemporary Art. Seattle. WA.

Center on Contemporary Art. Seattle. WA.

Darren Doull, Judith & Norman Ali’s Art Gallery, Sarnia

Darren Doull, Judith & Norman Ali’s Art Gallery, Sarnia

Darren Doull, Judith & Norman Ali’s Art Gallery, Sarnia

Darren Doull, Judith & Norman Ali’s Art Gallery, Sarnia

Darren Doull, Judith & Norman Ali’s Art Gallery, Sarnia

Darren Doull, Judith & Norman Ali’s Art Gallery, Sarnia

Darren Doull, Judith & Norman Ali’s Art Gallery, Sarnia

Darren Doull, Judith & Norman Ali’s Art Gallery, Sarnia

Darren Doull, Judith & Norman Ali’s Art Gallery, Sarnia

Darren Doull, Judith & Norman Ali’s Art Gallery, Sarnia

Darren Doull, Judith & Norman Ali’s Art Gallery, Sarnia
Mythologies of an [Un]dead Indian: Episode 12. Multimedia Performance. Musée d'art Contemporain de Montréal, Montréal QC. Canada.
Haunted Landscapes: Episode 2. Multimedia Performance. Vancouver New Music Festival; Orpheum Theatre, Vancouver BC. Canada.
Haunted Landscapes #16. Multimedia Performance. Aboriginal Music Week 2013; Union Sound Hall, Winnipeg MA. Canada.
Heritage Mythologies: Episode 6. Multimedia Performance. First Peoples House; University of Victoria, Victoria BC. Canada.
Nightmare Inductions: Dreams of Teeth. Multimedia Performance and Installation with Noxious Sector Artist Collective: Ted Hiebert and Doug Jarvis. Neutral Ground, Regina SK. Canada.
Nightmare Inductions. Multimedia Performance and Installation with Noxious Sector Artist Collective: Ted Hiebert and Doug Jarvis. Eye Level Gallery, Halifax NS. Canada.
Nightmare Inductions. Multimedia Performance and Installation with Noxious Sector Artist Collective: Ted Hiebert and Doug Jarvis. Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art, Kelowna BC. Canada.
Haunting Stephen Harper. On-Line Performance with Noxious Sector Artist Collective: Ted Hiebert and Doug Jarvis. Archived on-line at:
After the Drones. Performance/Screening with Arthur Kroker and Marilouise Kroker. “Drone Wars Conference”, Pacific Centre for Technology and Culture (PACTAC), University of Victoria, Victoria BC. Canada.
Nightmare Inductions. Multimedia Performance with Noxious Sector arts collective: Ted Hiebert and Doug Jarvis. Eastern Bloc, Montreal QC.
After the Drones. Performance/Screening with Arthur Kroker and Marilouise Kroker. UC Santa Barbara, California USA.
Heritage Mythologies. Video Installation. “Beat Nation: Art, Hip Hop and Aboriginal Culture”, Kathleen Ritter and Tania Willard curators. Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, Montréal QC. Canada. (group exhibition).
Mythologies of an [Un]dead Indian. Video Installation. “Ghost Dance: Activism. Resistance. Art.”, Steve Loft guest curator. Ryerson Image Centre, Main Gallery; Toronto ON. Canada.
Heritage Mythologies. Video Installation. “Beat Nation: Art, Hip Hop and Aboriginal Culture”, Kathleen Ritter and Tania Willard curators. Kamloops Art Gallery; Kamloops BC. Canada. (group exhibition).

Vancouver New Music Festival

Vancouver New Music Festival

Vancouver New Music Festival

Vancouver New Music Festival

Vancouver New Music Festival

Vancouver New Music Festival

Vancouver New Music Festival

Ryerson Image Centre, Toronto; ON.

Neutral Ground, Regina SK.

Neutral Ground, Regina SK.

Neutral Ground, Regina SK.

Neutral Ground, Regina SK.

Neutral Ground, Regina SK.

Neutral Ground, Regina SK.

Neutral Ground, Regina SK.

Neutral Ground, Regina SK.

Neutral Ground, Regina SK.

Neutral Ground, Regina SK.

Neutral Ground, Regina SK.

Eye Level Gallery, Halifax; NS.

Eye Level Gallery, Halifax; NS.

Eye Level Gallery, Halifax; NS.

Eye Level Gallery, Halifax; NS.

Eye Level Gallery, Halifax; NS.

Eye Level Gallery, Halifax; NS.

Eye Level Gallery, Halifax; NS.

Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art, Kelowna BC

Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art, Kelowna BC

Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art, Kelowna BC

Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art, Kelowna BC

Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art, Kelowna BC

Eastern Bloc, Montreal QC.

Eastern Bloc, Montreal QC.

Eastern Bloc, Montreal QC.

Eastern Bloc, Montreal QC.

Eastern Bloc, Montreal QC.

Eastern Bloc, Montreal QC.